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Asheline Noffer.
Går i 1. klasse. Hun var blandt de allermest trængende elever, der fik mulighed for at få en plads på skolen takket være støtten fra Morning Starsvenner.dk. Før var hun blandt slægtninge, da hun blev forladt af sin far. Hendes mor kunne ikke forsørge familien, da hun var syg og dermed ikke i stand til at skaffe mad og husly.
En anden mor fra landsbyen kontaktede skoleforstanderen, for at høre om muligheden for at Asheline kunne optages på skolen, da hendes vilkår mildest talt var forfærdelige! Lærerne og forstanderen blev meget berørte pigens skæbne, og gav hende en plads på skolehjemmet. Ashline har det nu godt nu, og har, med støtte fra Morningstarsvenner.dk, også fået en skoleuniform. Hun klarer sig godt i skolen og blandt sine kammarater.
Mange tak for jeres støtte
Original besked
She is in grade one.She is amongest the needy needy pupils who have been accommodated in the school.
She used to stay with her relative after her father who is a Ugandan abandoned her.Her mother could not rise food to the family and even pay house rent since she was ill and jobless.A mother just from the village brought the case to Mr Eric and explained one how the child was passing through a lot of challenges.
The story attached the hearts of some teachers and even I couldn't withstand it.This made Mr Eric to shade tears because of what the situation.We are really pleased with how the girl has changed.
The girl is on a good condition now and even as you can see,from your support the girl has been dressed in a good uniform.She is also doing well in class and her performance are pleasing.
Thank you very much for your support.
Thank you very much for your provision and regular support.
Best regards from teacher Allan Otieno.